Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Personal Journey of Health

First of all, I need to thank everyone who's been so supportive of my blogging! I was EXTREMELY nervous about putting my thoughts out there so openly, but deep down I figured, if I'm having these thoughts, chances are someone else is too and maybe in some weird way, I could help someone...

And I've been pleasantly surprised that some people actually appreciated my writing! Wow!!! That's pretty much the BIGGEST honor I can receive!!! Thank you God for helping me to help others! You are SO GREAT!!!

So, with the encouragement of one of my dear friends, today, I'm going to write just a little bit about how I got to be where I am terms of my physical health, in hopes that I can share my story and maybe, help someone....

First of all, some people have commented about my exercise and health routine. I haven't always been a die-hard exercise and eat-right person. Yes, I do make it a goal to get outta bed around 4 am everyday to do a round of P90x or an early morning jog around the neighborhood before work starts at 7... But getting to where I am today was NOT easy! ...sigh...I'm tired just thinking about it!!....

Going back in time about 2 years, I was a recently divorced single mom...(Now, here's the kicker that not too many people know about me, this was divorce # 2!! Thus, needless to say, it did a HUGE number on my self-worth! My first marriage was to Aaron's father. We divorced about a year after he was born...These aren't facts I'm particularly proud of, but hey, it's life, it's me, and without these 'adventures', I wouldn't be the woman I am today... And also, just know, I will be the LAST person to JUDGE anyone for their marital struggles...) :-)

So, back to 2 years ago....I didn't like how I looked...which was a struggle I've dealt with since I was a little (pudgy) girl. I grew up always feeling like the odd girl out. As a kid, I wasn't cute or slim enough to be the class "princess", I wasn't smart enough to be in the "elite" brainiac crowd (though I DESPERATELY wanted to be! I'm such a nerd at heart! :)), but then again, I was TOO smart to be with the "cool kids", and, of course, I was to pudgy to be with the jocks.... sigh.... school can be SO CRUEL!!

So, being divorced...again, AND being 30, I realized this was NOT how my 30th was supposed to go! I mean, on tv and movies, your 30th is supposed to be the start of a glamorous new life of freedom and wisdom...right?? Well, my 30th went by pretty much in a blurry gray funk...

Then, a great thing happened... I turned 31!!! And with that birthday, I realized, I have completely wasted a year!!! I didn't get ONE INCH closer to becoming the woman I imagined myself to be. Well, call it anger, or frustration, or complete and total surrender...but I'd had enough!

I didn't care anymore about the excuses, the reasons, the doubts, the fears, or anything else that had been holding me back from becoming the woman I wanted to be. I told myself, I love my heart, I am a smart woman, I have a great job, and an AWESOME son and family.

The ONLY thing I didn't like was my physical state of being. (I was about 40 pounds overweight, and tired of hiding it in frumpy clothes.) So, ONE thing was keeping me from being who I wanted to be. JUST ONE THING!! ....ARGH!!!

Wel..nothing was going to get in my way ANYMORE! 31 was going to be the year I changed my life and took control!! So,.....

#1 I joined the YMCA for me and my son so we could use the pool and jogging track. (And I bought us each a fancy new gym bag, invested in workout clothes, and a swimsuit....(yikes!)) I swam laps for 30 minutes a couple times a week, alternating each lap with a different stroke... Wow!! THAT'S a total body workout!!!!

#2 I stopped drinking pop...(I have actual studies that will show you how horrible pop is for our bodies!) At first it was TORTURE! But, I'm happy to say I'm STILL pop-free!!! (I swear one day it'll be classified as an addictive substance!)

#3 I pulled out our Dance Dance Revolution game and played it every moment I could... (Alone at first...until I got REALLY good!! Then I challenged Aaron every chance I could! Hehehe...) It burns SO MANY CALORIES and it's so FUN!!! Try it if you haven't!!

#4 I started jogging...first slowly, and just around the block, but gradually longer and longer...with my dog. (Poor sweet willing companion!)

#5 I bought a food scale and shiny new measuring cups, and went on calorie counting websites to figure out how many calories I should be consuming...and then, followed my own plan. (Man! I washed so many dishes, did so much calculating, and wrote down so many meal plans back then! But hey, it was SO worth it!!!)

#6 I added fiber to EVERYTHING because it helped me feel full. (I bought the HIGH FIBER version of everything I could!)

#7 I stopped drinking ANYTHING but water, milk, or tea. (Fluid calories were a no-no! Except for milk)

#8 I realized that it was all about math. In versus out. I had it down to a science and I knew no matter what I did, as long as I followed the plan, I was going to lose weight! AND, I was eating AS MUCH AS I WANTED! It was GREAT!!!

# 8 THEN..... I would take monthly trips to the mall to downsize my wardrobe!!! (One of my favorite parts!!) It was so nice realizing that I could actually start to wear the clothes that were on the mannequins!!

AND...#9 I started dating...but that's a whole other story... Hahaha.....

So, by 6 months I had dropped almost 30 pounds! I was trimming inches and toning muscle. And today, 2 years later, I've kept it off. Not to say I haven't had ups and downs, but I keep trying new things. I don't swim as much anymore, as Aaron is so busy with sports...and I hate having wet hair in the winter...haha. And I reduced my jogging and calorie counting, now that I've got a better handle of moderation...and portion sizes

But now, to keep things fun and new, I'm doing the workout called P90x (you've probably seen it on those annoying late night infomercials. Haha...) It's a butt-kicker, but I tell you what, it works! I started slow...I mean S L O W, and... I'm kind of stubborn, meaning, I hate other people telling me what to do...even if they're on a DVD! So, I've tailored it to fit me...and my stubbornness. :)

Some people love classes and group athletics. Not me! I hate them! I am very much a solitary exerciser. But, that's just me. (Stubborn!!) Haha.

So, I guess that pretty much sums up how I got to this point. I think back to that statement I made when I turned 31, how there was only 1 thing keeping me from being that woman I longed to be. WOW!! Knowing what I know now, there was SO MUCH more that changed about me. I've become more confident, more patient, I finished my bachelor's degree, I took on more responsibility at work and church, and my relationship with God has vastly improved....but THAT'S ALSO another story!

31 was my best that time. But honestly, 33 is even better! I can't wait to see what this next year will bring me!! I love getting older!!! :)

Dear God, I thank you for the gifts of life, love, and health. My body is a precious tool to live out the purpose you have for me. I'm sorry I spent so many years ignoring your purpose because I neglected my body and soul. I pray every day I become physically and mentally stronger so I can carry out your will. I need to help others, care for others, and if needed, carry others. And I'll need your strength. Thank you for the strength I've found within myself and within my growing relationship with you. AMEN!

To all my friends, I love you all, and I wish this year to be your best year ever...and the start of something new! God Bless!!!

Peace Friends!

PS, I'm always excited to talk about new ways to promote physical health. I try not to be preachy or a know-it-all...I hate it when people are like that with me... So, feel free to talk about your ideas!! I really do want to hear them!!! :) AND, the fact that you all take the time to read my thoughts is quite truly a fantastic honor, and I thank you for that!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your honesty. You are inspiring. I am so proud of your accomplishments. You truly are a phenomenal woman...inside and out. Congratulations on taking your life back. It has been a pleasure seeing you transform over the past few years.
