Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thanks for the crossed paths...

I feel this overwhelming urge to make sure that certain people know how much they mean to me... for it is the crossing of our paths in small ways, big ways, life long journeys, or brief little overlaps that make the differences, and make me the woman I am today...

First of all, my parents: Where do I begin? Mom and Dad, you have each in your own special way sculpted me to be who I am. Those little things each day, Mom reading your devotions, getting up early every morning to start your productive day, and you telling me "If you care about something, you do something about it..." are just 3 of the millions of examples I carry with me every minute of every day. Dad, being human, fragile, yet always loving and accepting, on good days and bad. I learned about overcoming struggles and the beauty of humility from you....among so many other lessons. Thank you and I love you both dearly!

From my sister Lisa, I learned that we each are so different, yet so gifted and blessed. And that God intentionally gives us our personalities and skills to carry out specific purposes. Thank you for reassuring me that I'm not crazy! I'm just different than you! :) I love you very much little sister!

From my best friend Jessica, you have accepted me since day one. We've been friends since elementary school.... Wow! What a ride we've had together! You pushed me to do better and no matter if I succeeded or failed, you never treated me differently. Thank you for the countless laughing spells we've shared, the shared secrets, and knowing that if there was no one else we could feel who loved us, we loved and respected each other... You mean the world to me Jessica!!!

For Sara, yes Sara, you're in here too. I don't think you realize how much you've impacted my life. And, based on conversations I've had with other members at church, I'm certainly not the only one who thinks this. For some reason, unknown to me at the time, I had this overwhelming urge to talk to you as our boys were playing at Jefferson after kindergarten one afternoon. Remember that?? :) Looking back now, I can see how the Holy Spirit was crossing our paths... Remember how I invited you over for supper and you admitted you had no idea what a Hotdish was?? :) Good times! Haha... One of my favorite lessons I learned from you was to adopt your "It's Ok..." attitude. Your confidence and unconditional love and acceptance of others was brilliant and I couldn't help but adapt it to my own may of viewing the world. I see how this attitude helps my patients every day at work, and continues to ripple out to new people I meet. Thank you for being a beautiful example of God's love. Oh, and the "World's Worst Mom Award" was another of my favorite lessons. I still use that with Aaron and kids at work! It's the little things that we share that make the biggest differences in the lives of others! Keep up your down-to-earth attitude and showing us how to laugh at ourselves. :)

You were the first 'Good Man' I met during my dating experiences. What a gift and a blessing from God that was! Our relationship/friendship helped me to heal from my divorce and find that courage and strength that was buried so deep inside me that it was hidden, even to me...but not to you. You saw it, nurtured it, and loved it. Thank you for helping me start my journey of self discovery and health. What an interesting path we shared for a while!! Though at times I still miss our friendship, I am happy knowing that God is watching you and you're living out his purpose for you.

Mr Iowa...hehehe....
I've already told you and thanked you for what you've brought to mine and Aaron's lives. And the reason for writing about it today isn't to make you uncomfortable, but to show others that there are men like you out there... First of all, thank you for being one of the strongest examples of a Christian man I've ever met. Your path crossed mine at a time in my life when I doubted the value of Christianity and my bond with God. I didn't believe that real day to day people could live out their lives with the high morals that we've been taught in Sunday School. But you showed me on so many occasions, that even though we aren't perfect, using God as our measuring stick is actually possible in today's world. Not only did you show me what a Christian man was like,(caring, funny, patient, loving, strong, responsible, and honorable) but you also showed me that I deserve to be treated with respect and honor by men. Thank you for making me feel beautiful and precious. You've set the standard very high which is what God intended for you to do in my life. And because of that, I know who I'm looking for now in a relationship. I deserve someone who is thankful, strong, honorable, responsible, and puts his love of God above all, and his family above himself. Over a year and a half, what a wonderful path we've shared. I'm comfortable knowing that as we part ways, I know God has you and your family in his loving embrace, and my life has been enriched because of you.

My Austin soldier...
To you I'm very thankful for the way you openly embraced my son and me into your family. Though our path together had it's ups and downs, I know that it continues to wind together for the purpose of friendship and support. You taught me patience. When things didn't go the way I wanted, it forced me to step back and appreciate us for what we had, time with family and appreciating the simple things in life like a meal together, children playing, laughter, and tenderness. You've been my friend and so patient with me and my ramblings. When life was hard for you, I was a witness to the inner strength of a man who puts his kids needs ahead of his own. Wow, talk about a role model for good fathers!! And now, with the Army calling you away from your children, you give me and everyone in your life a wonderful example of honor and duty. Never once did you say you wouldn't go, despite the chaos it created in your world. You make me want to take all my responsibilities as seriously as you've taken yours. Take care of yourself, and as I told you, I will be praying for your safety. Like I said, the world has too few good men. It certainly can't afford to lose one more. Please be safe, and know that God is watching over you.

You were first my neighbor. Then you were the mother of my son's friends. Then you were MY friend. :) You have so many gifts that pour out of you into this world. Being fortunate enough to be your neighbor has allowed some of that 'pouring out' land on me and my family. Thank you Becky for being a supportive and nonjudgmental friend. You listened and supported me over the last few years and no matter what I needed, you were always there, willing and able to help. I only wish I could have been so supportive to you. Your easy going attitude about life and golden heart makes it easy to like you and it's a trait I've tried my best to model. Your playfulness and amazing ability to share joy with kids is a blessing. When I come home from work, tired, crabby, and hungry, I see you, tirelessly mothering your three beautiful kids. You teach me to not be selfish and that having a home is so much more important than having a house. And, with the volunteering you do, you show us that giving back to the world really is easy. We just have to do it. :) Thanks for being a second mom to my son, for being a loving mother to your kids, and for giving us all a beautiful example of a Christian marriage. I admire you both. :)

I could make this list go on forever, talking about, and thanking people for what they've meant to me and how God has worked wonders through the crossing of our paths. But balance is important. Just know that everyone I've met in this life has been a blessing to me. The coworkers who I laugh with, and even those with whom I rarely see. The people at church who greet me with smiles, hugs, and glorious music, and the person I sat next to in the pew who I never even talked to. The patients, the parents, the doctors, and social workers. Everyone has impacted me, and for that I'm grateful.

I pray that your paths take you to a closer relationship with God, and that you find adventure, love, and growth as you go. AMEN!

Peace Friends!


  1. I am honored to be part of your post. Thank you for teaching me about "hotdish"...my first lesson in being Minnesotan. I'm thankful for the Jefferson playground that brought us together :-)

  2. Awww... I'm honored to be in your post. We miss seeing you guys now that winter has arrived although I still see your son once in a while! We'll definitely have to get together sometime!

    You are an awesome, amazing person and I have learned a lot from you too as we've had our talks on your front steps. I enjoy those and getting to know you.

  3. Such an amazing woman. I'm blessed to have a light like you in my life.
